Supercharge  your hiring strategy today

Recruitlr leverages the power of AI to reshape your recruitment process, achieving greater speed and efficiency. Seamlessly discover top-tier talents—begin assembling your dream team today!

Recruitlr service

Recruiters struggle with inefficient candidate search and management

Manual profile handling, complex data entry, and fragmented candidate information—recruiters face these challenges daily, consuming valuable time that could be better spent engaging with potential hires. Threre is so much going on ...

Recruitlr simplifies this by centralizing and automating the search and management of candidate profiles, making the recruitment process faster and more effective.

Supercharge your hiring strategy instantly and save time

Candidate searches, manage profiles, and connect directly with top talent at lightspeed. Spend your time engaging the right candidates, not juggling files. Recruitlr provides you with the powerful tools you need to streamline your hiring process, FAST.


  • Unified dashboard: Manage and edit profiles with ease.
  • Comprehensive details: Include resumes, and notes.
  • Smart import: Bulk import talents from ZIP/RAR files.
  • Secure storage: Protect candidate information reliably.


Save hours of finding the perfect talent and supercharge your productivity!

All prices are per month and you can cancel at any time.


Per month




  • 500 credits
  • 100,000 characters
  • Approx. 20 resumes
  • Cancel anytime


Per month




  • 1,000 credits
  • 250,000 characters
  • Approx. 50 resumes
  • Cancel anytime


Per month




  • 2,000 credits
  • 500,000 characters
  • Approx. 100 resumes
  • Import talents
  • Cancel anytime


Per month




  • 5,000 credits
  • 1,000,000 characters
  • Approx. 200 resumes
  • Import talents
  • Cancel anytime


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When you sign up for Recruitlr, you gain access to a comprehensive platform designed for efficient talent management and recruitment. Here’s what you get:

    - Talent upload and storage: Securely upload and store resumes and details of potential talents on our cloud-based system.

    - AI-Powered matching: Utilize advanced AI algorithms to match job specifications with the most suitable candidates, saving you time in the initial screening process.

    - Interactive text/chat filtering: Engage with a sophisticated chat interface to refine your search criteria, allowing for more precise candidate filtering based on real-time interactions.

    - Focused Candidate Exploration: After identifying a favorite talent, you can concentrate your search and comparisons specifically on that individual to make well-informed hiring decisions.

    Recruitlr streamlines the recruitment process, making it faster and more targeted, ensuring you find the right talent for any job efficiently.
  • Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email. See the contact page for more information.

  • Cool, contact us by email

Supercharge your hiring strategy today

Recruitlr harnesses the power of AI to redefine your recruitment process, making it faster and more efficient. Find your top-tier talents seamlessly—start building your dream team today!